IGSN Technical Documentation of the IGSN

2014-09-18 Telecon

Agenda items

  • Update of Activities
    • Application to IGSN e.V. from Geoscience Australia,
    • Call for applications
  • Invoicing
  • IGSN Handbook / Namespace allocation
    • Handbook Link (you can ask Leslie or Jens for sharing permissions): http://goo.gl/2nWzfc
      • planned modification of Handbook information for different stakeholders
    • Namespace allocation documentation (http://goo.gl/pjyifz), minutes from [[igsn:29_august_2014_friday_namespace_allocation_call recent subcommittee call]] in wiki
  • Roles in the sample metadata profile (collector, owner, archive, contact)
  • December General Assembly at AGU (Dec 14, Sunday, at 3p PST)

Notes from call

Present: Kerstin, Anders, Damian, Dirk, Irina, Jens, Marshall, Leslie

  • Applications for membership
    • We received Geoscience Australia application - this will be voted on in December at the General Assembly.
    • We should now sending out a call for more applications, to be voted on at that time.
    • ACTION: Contact UT Austin - NEON, CUAHSI - contact directly as they have expressed interest in the past.
    • ACTION: Also advertise to ESSI mailing lists (EGU and AGU)
    • Set a deadline for Nov 30, giving two weeks for application review before AGU.
  • Invoicing
    • We need Cathy on the call - ACTION:KL/LH will get in contact with her.
  • Handbook
    • We would like to restructure it - parts will be extracted for different audiences, but the overall information will also be in one place. ACTION: Open a new document for the restructured version
    • Namespace Allocation
      • Jens reviewed the recent discussion from the Namespace Allocation
        • Top level namespaces are given to the Allocating Agents, or others can apply (with a one month period for discussion).
        • If a top level namespace is not used for a year, then it goes back into the pool, but they can reapply.
        • See relevant links above.
        • Kerstin: does this process need to be endorsed by the membership? It’s not part of the bylaws, but is a procedural guideline. Jens: Legally it should be fine, but we could put it up for vote by the members.
  • Update on the IGSN mobile app
    • Marshall: The mobile app is being developed (by someone at RPI) and is quite stable now. The allocation of the namespace is part of the app - but make sure to align it with the current namespace allocation. Kerstin: At the moment - the app is specific to the SESAR system. We should also think about how to build it more generally so that other allocating agents can also use it.
  • Roles in the sample metadata profile (collector, owner, archive, contact) - This is something that has come up in SESAR, to keep these different concepts separate. If there is a subgroup with people to evaluate the metadata profile, we should review things like this and also the vocabularies. They could meet at one of the larger meetings, such as RDA or ESIP. Or find some funding to get together. - As a note, we are also developing an IEDA thesaurus and we should make sure that everything is aligned.
  • Dirk: would like to concentrate on developing technical infrastructure of new allocating agents before focusing on controlled vocabularies. Kerstin: we should try to find some funding to build modules that will help other allocating agents get set up. Anders agrees that there are many allocating agents that will need help in this way. Kerstin: but it will need to be quite flexible because Allocating Agents will have the desire and need to customize. Anders: this will also offer some level of standardization which will be a benefit to the community.
    • ACTION: Place on General Assembly Agenda. This is an important point for the General Assembly, and we should pull together ideas of how to do this.
    • ACTION:Kerstin proposes that Kerstin, Anders, and Dirk work on some sort of whitepaper (which could be incorporated into the Handbook) to have by the General Assembly.
    • Kerstin will be going to biodiversity taxonomic working group meeting in Sweden at end of October. This will be good from an inter/multi-disciplinary viewpoint and could help the white paper work. Jens: possibly people from Bremen will be there.
  • General Assembly at AGU, Sunday December 14
    • 3-4p General Assembly
      • Agenda: voting on new memberships; budget approvals; things that came up during this call; open call; bi-annual vote on executive committee; should be soliciting nominations leading up to the meeting.
    • 4-5p Information Session
    • 5p Celebration of 10 years of IGSN
    • Are there other events at AGU where we make sure IGSN is present? IEDA exhibit booth; CSD exhibit; iSamples/C4P Early Career
    • ACTION:Revise the current flyer - two separate ones, one for organizations, and one for users.
    • ACTION:Come up with other give-aways.
  • Dirk: At Geomar we have a collaboration with Google, this is something we could approach Google with since they are talking about geoinformation. ACTION:Dirk will make contact with them about IGSN. Google maps gallery launched in March of this year, it is possible to publish maps, so IGSN could be a map publisher for collections. And Google also deals with the moon and other planets.
  • Kerstin is currently promoting IGSN linking from other publishers in addition to Elsevier Science Direct. She will send to AGU/Wiley and other publishers as well.
  • ACTION: We should remind DataCite to add IGSN into their list of external identifiers allowed in DOI metadata profiles.
  • ACTION: Put some DOIs of papers with IGSNs into these minutes and distribute to the group. (put in flyers and on websites) (SSH, Katie Kelley, and more)
  • To prepare for invoicing, not too much to do at this point, just have the 500 euros ready.
  • Next meeting at AGU.


  • Contact individuals and lists for future applications. (LH/KL) (10/24 drafted text)
  • Contact Cathy about the invoicing. (LH/KL) (LH email 10/19)
  • Handbook - new format - begin a new document. (JK)
  • Clean out and send out Namespace Allocation (LH/KL/JK)
  • Send out invitation to General Assembly. (LH) (done 10/1)
  • IEDA get in touch with Marshall Ma about IGSN SESAR mobile app. (LH, KL)
  • Send out request for metadata profile and vocabulary review subcommittee. (LH)
  • Start draft for General Assembly Agenda on the wiki. (LH - [[igsn:14_december_2014_sunday_quarterly_general_assembly done]])
  • Revise the flyer for different audiences / stickers (LH and others)
  • Dirk will contact Google about IGSN. (DF)
  • Remind DataCite to mention IGSN in external identifiers field (KL)
  • Add links of Papers with DOIs to the notes for members (LH - done)
    • http://www.geosamples.org/news/elsevierigsn (2 paper links)
    • Also see for example Table S1 here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ggge.20049/suppinfo